Monday, May 12, 2008

tuesday tomorrow

i have been so bad at blogging lately.  well actually i've been busy.  after actually working the week before last, i almost got a job or two last week, and i also went on a road trip (to chicago and south bend, yeah! with my parents!) for the weekend.  so i've been busy.  but it's all back to normal now.  unless i get another possible job.  two are up in the air right now.

so anyway, it's monday so that means it's...

tuesday tomorrow!

there's stuff coming out for you to buy...
actually nothing i'm really interested in.  that new death cab album comes out, but i don't really care for death cab.  am i missing something? or is there really nothing?

EDIT: ok Kidz in the Hall have a new one out, maybe it's good too.  it's called The In Crowd.

a lot better this week:
*la chinoise - golden era godard.  i have not seen it yet.  to me, 60s godard films are the greatest works ever created.  so i will get this even though i don't have a job and i haven't seen it.
*le gai savoir - ANOTHER 60s godard film.  i will break the bank!
*the lovers and the fire within - criterion collection.  two classic louis malle films being released by criterion on this day.
*saturday night live - complete season 3.  i need to watch these more in depth, i do.  i have season 1 somewhere low on the queue on netflix and then it will be 2 and now 3 is out as well.  oh boy.
*indiana jones trilogy - some sort of special edition.  good timing.
*some frank sinatra collections are out too.  so that's pretty cool.

basically, i cannot recommend those godard films enough, even though i haven't seen them.  that's my confidence in how on-fire he was for a full decade.  everything else...well, if i've mentioned it it's probably worth looking into.  but music sucks this week.  

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