Monday, May 5, 2008

tuesday, tomorrow,


let's see, what do i need to remember to purchase, once i get a job,

$ elvis costello & the imposters - momofuku - finally out on cd.  whatevs man, this is old news to me!
$ lost season 3 soundtrack - yeah...season 3 wasn't that good.
$ the coup - genocide & juice - this is a re-release but i don't have it yet.
$ animal collective - water curses - it is a single/ep thing but it's probably worth it because all 4 tracks are unreleased.
$ Lykke Li - Little Bit - also an EP but it is cheap.

none of these really excite me that much though.  am i supposed to be excited about tim fite? maybe i'd like him.  i don't know.,
$ I'm Not There - i dug this movie, particularly the reference to masculin-feminin.  oh and the soundtrack. and just about everything.
$ Serial Mom - collector's edition but i can't figure out what's so collector-y about this edition.
$ Teeth - so so so weird.  i wanted to see it in theaters but didn't.  perhaps netflix is the way to go here.
$ Delirious - i did see this one.  it's pretty good if you're a buscemi fan.  it also has an elvis costello cameo so that's rad.

pretty slow week in my opinion.

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