Monday, June 16, 2008

it's that day again

yes, monday means it's tuesday tomorrow and what a tuesday it is.

music out 6/17/08
*dennis wilson - pacific ocean blue: legacy edition.  this has been out of print forever.  but now we have it, as well as demos from the unreleased album bambu.  essential essential essential.
*diana ross - everything is everything: expanded edition. her sophomore solo album!
*wolf parade - at mount zoomer. 
*silver jews - lookout mountain, lookout sea
*reggie & the full effect - last stop: crappy town
*the war on drugs - wagonwheel blues. i wasn't a big fan of the free ep that came out awhile ago, but judge for yourself.

i don't know what else.

dvds out 6/17/08
*be kind rewind. i never saw it.  is it any good?
*joy division
*burn notice - season 1. never heard of this show.  but bruce campbell is on it? and people say it's great? what do you think?
*classe tous risques.  criterion.  i don't know much about it but it features jean-paul melmondo "fresh off his star turn in Breathless."  so you know, he is awesome.  maybe this one's good too.

i know i am not helpful.

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