ooh, my cds are due back at the library tomorrow! i almost forgot. it's july 1st tomorrow. oh crap rent is due too!
while i'm on a tangent, have you seen the myspace page with travis barker? he's working with the game? how does one make the long drawn-out transition from aquabat to gangster?
from this:

to this:

i guess blink 182 and stuff had something to do with it. and mtv and the transplants. etc.
ok. it's tuesday tomorrow.
little cds:
*alkaline trio - agony & irony. i totally dug these guys back when they were like, good. during their days on asian man records. then they signed to vagrant and put out the very bad album from here to infirmary. their next one good mourning was better, but the damage was done. i am over them.
*deltron 3030 - deltron 3030 (reissue). sorry if i made you think the new one was out. not yet. patience. we all have to have patience. this is a reissue of the first one. it has 3 bonus remix tracks. apparently the original issue is out of print now? i did not know that. nor do i know whether these new remixes are worth it. regardless, if you don't own this, now you must get it because it's AMAZING.
*willie nelson - stardust (30th anniv. reissue). willie visits the classics on this classic album. covers of standards. this one comes with a bonus disc of more covers of classics. yes. i might pick this one up, as i don't have the original.
*tickle me pink - madeline. not my thing. BUT my sister is friends with this band. so i was happy to see this on page 10 of the amazon new releases. yeah fort collins!
*the white stripes - entire catalog. it's all getting reissued tomorrow. i guess v2 had to stop putting out old albums? or something happened? i remember when v2 stopped putting out new stuff, but i thought they would continue pressing their old stuff. who knows. but these new versions don't have any bonus tracks or anything.
little dvds:
*criterion: Mishima: a life in four chapters
and Patriotism. don't know much of anything about these.
*my blueberry nights. wong kar wai! i wanted to see this one, ok netflix?
*city of men
*batman - the movie. the original 1966 version! YES.
*aria. a collection of 10 pieces by different directors. this is 20 years old but i believe this is the first time the dvd has come out. includes two of my favorite directors, robert altman and jean-luc godard. also bruce beresford, bill bryden, derek jarman, franc roddam, nicolas roeg, ken russell, charles sturridge, and julien temple. minimal dialog. pieces are set to opera soundtracks. looks awesome. i'll get back to you.
*robert frank: the complete film works vol. 3. amazon gives no details, but i'd love to see this.