Thursday, January 24, 2008

and friday is tomorrow

so to go along with my talking about upcoming albums every monday, i will talk about upcoming films every thursday.

but before that, i have to mention that we are ONE WEEK FROM THE RETURN OF LOST!!  i've been waiting for this for so long, obsessively watching the dvds, obsessively figuring out the whole find 815 thing, reading forums and blogs about it, and doing all i can to avoid spoilers.  so excited!  i'll probably make a lost post every thursday night or friday or something, for a whole 8 weeks until it runs out.

ok, new movies of note being released, in some capacity involving denver, TOMORROW 1/25

RAMBO at all the big multiplexes.  haha.
PERSEPOLIS at the esquire.  up for an academy award for best animated feature.  i don't really know much about it, but based on the images i've seen, it looks pretty awesome.
TEETH is back at the starz film center.  future cult classic? probably.  about a girl that discovers she's got teeth in um, a place she wouldn't expect to have teeth.
YOUTH WITHOUT YOUTH is also making its way to the starz film center.  did you know i share a birthday with francis ford coppola?  it's true.  and jackie chan.  anyway, this one seems to be getting lots of backlash and hate.  so i'd probably love it!

i think that's about it.  if you invite me to see any of these movies, i will probably accept your invitation.  well, maybe not rambo.  but probably even rambo.  basically, as long as we avoid meet the spartans i will be glad to see a movie with you, thanks for asking!

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